Saturday, January 31, 2009

Husband Tag

So I was tagged by Jillian...sort of. I guess I'm just soaking up the fact that Sam is still asleep...

1. Where did you meet your husband?
Singles Ward in Littleton, CO
2. How long did you date before you got married?
A total of 8-9 months (2 different engagements during that time)
3. How long have you been married?
5.5 years
4. What does he do that surprises you?
Sometimes he will totally clean the whole house without telling me or me asking him!
5. What is your favorite feature of his?
Physically - his eyes.
6. What is his best quality?
He thinks logically and keeps me on my toes. But he is also very compassionate and cares so much for other people's feelings and well-being! Hum...also very humble when he has done something wrong and easy to communicate with! I guess that's like 3 or 4, huh?
7. Does he have a nickname for you?
Eh...not really. Just Jen.
8. What is his favorite food?
LOVES every kind of food, but I'd probably say a good steak.
9. What is his favorite sport?
Loves them all, but probably basketball.
10. When and where did you first kiss?
Our wedding night. Just kidding... On my parents' couch when we had been dating like 2 weeks.
11. What is your favorite thing to do as a couple?
Besides the obvious "couple-ish" things...probably going somewhere outdoors together...hiking, that sort of thing.
12. Do you have any children?
Our Sam and then our Joshua on the way.
13. Does he have any hidden talents?
Well, he is actually very good at everything he tries, athletically, but he actually writes pretty well too! ESpecially for someone who hates literature and english. He is actually pretty creative and can be pretty artsy.
14. How old is he? 2 weeks.
15. Who said I love you first?
Crap....I honestly can't remember. I don't think he does either. I think it was just a mutual gradual thing...but don't remember who actually verbalized it first.
16. What is his favorite music?
Soft rock, 80's, alternative.
17. What do you admire most about him?
How incredibly hard of a worker he is! I am so lucky that he is willing to put so much effort into supporting us and making sure we're taken care of!! Also, (here I go again with the 'also's...) he is the most honest and loyal person I know. I NEVER have to doubt if he is telling me the truth. He's almost honest to a fault and can't lie. Even if it's rude and would hurt my feelings, he tells me. He's not one to lie or cover up if I were to ask (and I never would because I know he wouldn't lie) "does this make me look fat?"...though I will make little side comments about things making me look fat...
18. What is his favorite color?
19. Will he read this?
Nope. Not into the blogging thing.
20. I tag anyone who wants to be reminded of all the wonderful things about their husbands!


k.young said...

What a super cute tag! Dave is pretty great!
Hey, do you have Chrissy Carlson's email address?

yettie/jessie said...

oh i way loved that you had so many great things about dave on there you should let him read that even if he isn't in to blogging. sorry i will not be doing this tag though not a good one for me.

Anonymous said...

Its time to deliver. The birthday parties over.